Fiber to the home is coming soon!!

55 of your neighbors have already signed up!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Copper vs. Future High-Speed Fiber

We are currently operating with a copper infrastructure that is past its life expectancy.  Copper is more vulnerable to weather and more expensive to maintain and operate. Fiber is faster, more reliable, less vulnerable to the elements and capable of supporting growth of future internet demand.

What is Fiber Optic Internet?

Fiber optic internet is a form of broadband that uses a network of bundled tiny glass fibers called fiber optic cables to deliver internet service via light waves.

Why is "Fiber" better than the Copper?

The technical difference is that most forms of traditional internet service transfer information by sending electric signals over copper wires, while fiber internet transfers information by sending light over fiber optic cables. Fiber overcomes the limitations distance and capacity from broadband.  Fiber is non-conductive and is resilient to lightning strikes.  

What will be experienced with "Fiber"?

The advantage is that fiber optic technology transfers information at much faster speeds than cable or DSL. The Internet will have faster speeds, higher capacity and connectivity for more devices.

     - Performance

               - Quicker Internet Response time

               - 20X Higher Bandwidths

               - Symmetrical Upload & Downloads

              - No 'Buffering' of streaming video

              - Uploads to the 'Cloud' are super fast

     - Reliability

             - Weather Resistence

             - Optical vs Electrical Connections

             - Centralized Monitoring

             - Fewer Truck rolls for connectivity issues

    - Future Proof

            - Long Life (no corrosion)

            - Simple Upgrades for bandwidth growth

            - State of the Art Technology

What am I contributing to as a First Adopter?

By choosing a 3-year (250 Mbps) or 5-year (500 Mbps) contract for $205 per month you are assisting with the launch of this exciting project.  The First Adopters will be benefiting with higher speeds at the locked in contracted rate.

What am I getting? Current plan vs. Upgraded plan.

  • 3 year 250 Mbps is 10x faster than our current 'Best' plan.
  • 5 year 500 Mbps is 20x faster than our current 'Best' plan.
  • With Fiber you will receive faster updates, uploads, and downloads.
  • Enhanced viewing of live broadcast shows and sports on multiple televisions
  • You will be able to stream to many more devices with ease.
  • Work from home with uninterrupted voice, video, and internet
  • Click here to read the Evernet Fiber Internet Terms and Conditions